The Prelude

N ever . E nding . V alue Talk

In this world there are many things that can be replaced and very few that can't. Just to name a few, here are some heavy hitters for you: 

  1. Time
  2. Land
  3. Knowledge

Often in life we are aware of this but that doesn't always mean that we are in tuned in with the fact. We live in a society where people are so fruitful with potential and capability. But we also live in a society which deprives us the opportunity, support, and community. 

Welcome, we are V.I.sionary 284!

Join our tribe as we continue to grow and work towards uplifting our communities.

This is a platform that is for the people by the people. Aiming to give individuals the chance(s) they deserve; To give someone the light to see their possibilities. We welcome all, this is an environment where it's ok to mess up, it's ok to need help, it's ok to not know, but most importantly it's an environment where you are not alone.

It doesn't matter where you're from, what you do, or where you're going. We are here for you, so long as you want more for yourself and those around you, so long as there's people in need, V.I.sionary 284 will be present!

"Shar3 Th3 Knowledg3"

This is the notion that started it all. A community beacon, a cultural shift, a lifestyle brought to print.

We all seek change but tend to forget that, each and every one of us, We are the change....

Think of the energy that you put out the world the same way you take a pebble’s ripple in the ocean. Your energy (those ripples) may seem minuscule but as it transcends outward it becomes a wave on a distant shore.

Small acts whether good or bad can have large effects. Be mindful of your actions. Be someone that wants to see the best in/for everything & one around you. Remember that energy will come back to you, don’t put out energy that you wouldn’t want in your space.

There's no way to fix everything or help everyone at once, there's simply not enough time. But what we do each day matters. 365 days in a year, 86400 seconds in a day. If we can make 1% of a positive difference each day it will add up. 86400 seconds to be 1% of a difference, just one! What happens if we can do that 365 days consistently? What if we helped others to do the same along the way?   

We are V.I.sionary 284! 

Join us in taking up the challenge to inspire others,

It starts with us.


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